Of course, our first weekend here the toilet started backing up and overflowing, and our landlord was pretty pissed... cause we TOLD that tree to grow roots up the septic system pipes. A plumber ground out the roots for like a hundred bucks, and all was well, we took it out of the rent check as per the landlords ok. But, um scary, yeah. Then there's also something that sucks about the landlord telling you where you can put your potted plants, if you can have a towel on your railing (NO!) and straightening the haphazardly tossed shoes at your door. It's kinda like having a parent over. No offense mom and dad, who actually wouldn't do that anyway. But yeah, I guess the whole someone telling you how to make use of your home space sucks, and is what we are avoiding. Okay, no more being a whiny complainist!
View our beautiful, new, free fridge:
Oh, you like our slanty "cupboard" ? I threw that in for your viewing pleasure. Also note the spotted yellow cup? My broken, but still seviceable coffeee mug. The one given me by theives ( a funny thing my dad pointed out) There's 3 E's there in coffeee because I just emptied that thing twice wheeeeeeee! Oh, what's that? You don't see the fridge? Look lower.
There it is! Sweet! In fact, CL just mentioned how this makes him think of what it's going to be like living on our land someday, except ice will be harder to get. I told him no way, we are having solar/ hydro/ wind power. And he said what if our fridge breaks then? And I said the same as now, we deal with it. The only time you don't have to deal with these things is when you're a kid and then your parents have to deal with it. Honestly though, don't worry, we'll figure something out. It won't be a year, like with the oven, or even 2 months. But still I do think it's a good learning experience. I went and bought a bunch of groceries, things I would buy if I was, say, camping, and I bought a lot of vegetables which is healthy for us.
Aren't they purty? My desk is the new veggie drawer. Actually, now that I think about it, if we are lucky enough to some day have land with a creek, we could have one of them, um whaddaya call 'em, spring houses. You know, a little shed built literally on the creek, so the water runs through and everything stays cool. I guess they are built on actual springs more often, hence the name (a big duh to myself there).
Now the only thing I want to know is, do eggs need to be kept cool? I mean, they certainly aren't refrigerated when they are under the hen. Our butter got up to 70 degrees, its in the ice chest now, but I'm still going to use it. Hmmm but the eggs... ?
P.S. I really do find this whole situation funny. Probably by day 5, not so much, but I've been laughing a lot so far, and that's always good for the soul. Oh, the free one online? The email they provided was not valid :(
Your counter reminds me of when I was in Bhutan. No house I visited had a refrigerator, because most had no electricity (solar or otherwise). The counters and shelves in their kitchens were full of fresh veggies and tins of rice. Folks ate the foods that were in season, either that they grew, or that they could get from a market that was within walking distance. They only ate meat in the winter, because when it was cold out, they had a place to keep the meat - outside in the snow. If they were near a river or stream, they might have fish now and then. While I was there I ate lots of rice and the national dish that was a mixture of peppers, tomatoes, melted cheese, and spices. I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks even thought I ate like a horse.
OK, enough idealizing about your predicament - being without refrigerator in this modern workaday world pretty much sucks. I hope one turns up soon.
BTW, Did you ever find the rest of your 'Freedon Files'?
That is sooooo cool!!! Definitly one of the best trips of a lifetime. Haven't looked for my freedom files (slacker!) maybe I'll just have to re-write them :)
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