I know I'm not the ONLY person who's excited to get this in the mail, but maybe I'm in the minority. My coworker Ted got one this week, and I was so jealous. I have always wanted to be on a jury, I think it would be FASCINATING. Maybe in real life it's boring, plus it sucks if you can't afford to miss a day at work (me). Anyway, when I pulled the envelope outta the mailbox, I totally grinned. I'm sure my eyes lit up like I'd gotten confirmation from ol' Ed Mcmahon with his publishers clearing house junk. It was another wish granted. I got one once before, right after I turned 18, but my group number wasn't called.
My BBFL actually got on a jury! And he said it WAS fascinating. The responsibility factor would be gnarly though. I know I should hope I don't get it, 'cause of the money, but I wanna! Of course, if I actually get to the interview stage, I'll probably act so nervous they'll think I'm like a closet criminal or something. I can just see the pit stains now. Plus, it says, "dress appropriately for the courtroom" and all I have are jeans! :O But then again, after that it says, "The temperature of the jury assembly area and courtrooms can be unpredictable, so jurors are encouraged to dress accordingly". Uh, so I guess they don't know, either, what you should wear. Sweater and sweatpants over shorts and your dressiest hawaiian shirt??....
Well, I won't find out for 3 weeks. So here's hopin'.. and not... and ok hopin' just a wee bit.
P.S. I was on the headset with some fellow gamers and one guy said to another (about me) oh, she's from CALIFORNIA. Like, dude, what are you talking about? Totally gnar-gnar man.
P.P.S. Don't worry Clarence has 3 fingers of space between the cone and his po lil neck, and though it's still torture, he will be free soon. When the stitches come out, that is, so he doesn't, um, eat them EEW.
OH NO JURY DUTY...my worst night mere... yikes...
i think some jobs pay you even ifn you are on jury duty and you work for the gov so they oughta fer gotts sake!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know lockheed does / did......
love mum
There must be a lot of trials coming up. Both of us in our household got the same jury summons this month. Could be interesting, and a total pain, for all the reasons you note.
AHAHHAHAHAHHAH ok so I'm laughing because I just read the last post about your cat. OMG the PICTURES!!! AHAHHAHHHAHHA oh, oh god that's funny. EEEEEEE!!
Did you think that maybe the helpful poo burying cat might be a bit obsessive compulsive?
Good luck with the J-duty, I think it'd be fun too. My MOM has been waiting her whole life to go (she REALLY REALLY wants to do it) but never gets a letter. Ah well maybe someday!
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