Just thought I'd share with you the header that my blog WOULD have, if it would ever stop saying "loading" and move on to "done".
Omg, somebody used the regular coffee grinder for flavored coffee! Omg the grossness. There is a little tiny lingering flavor of yukk every time I brew some up. I could just grind the beans at home, for even fresher tatse, but I'm much too lazy for that. In fact, for the real deal in gourmet delish, I should roast my own beans. My Dad does, and it's sooooooo good. You would think it would be, well, at least not hard if not easy, but... I managed to melt a spatula when I tried it. And, unaware that I had added plastic flavoring to the roasted beans, I... I... Oh gad. Yes, truth be told, I ground those beans up. I thought the black smears on the bottom of the roasting pot were from the beans, not the spatula. All I smelled was burnt something, and I thought it was the chaff that comes off the beans in black papery wisps and scrolls. I... I brewed a cup of these terribly contaminated coffee beans. And I tasted it. Eeeeeeeeek!!!! At least then I could finally tell that it was so wrong, and I didn't actually consume any. Also CommonLaw walked up wielding the now deformed spatula and asked me what the holy heck. Hmmm, I couldn't have noticed that before I brewed the stuff? Gad, and I love coffee so much I drink it black (when ice cream not option). Sheesh.
I got off work early today by some fluke, and after much much self cajoling I convinced myself to drive to the courthouse instead of straight home. It was the curiosity that won me over, really. I managed to interact with several people on subjects I know nothing about, only blushing once at my own dorkiness. And I succeeded in finding a little bit more about the zombie nest house. I now know who owns it, what it's appraised at, when it was built, the square footage, etc, but no juicy details about why it's empty and being reclaimed by the earth. The listed owners have had it for 17 years... and they live about 20-30 miles away... but that could be as of 17 years ago, the most current info I could find. So, I started googling them, the address, no luck, strayed to the hearsay and googled "meth lab my town"... lol no luck there either. Then I got distracted and started googling myself; turns out I am a latin singer with a legit record deal even. Also I "get what I want"... cool! Anyhoo, I am just getting started on this house thang, it certainly is a long long shot in the dark, but as a learning experience it's awesome.
Oh yeah, also at the courthouse I so looked up the place I rent haha! Oh the nosy interesting information one can learn from public records! I know when Landlord bought this place (2005) and how much for ($275,000 for 284 square feet on 1.631 acres). Juicy!!
'Flavored' coffee? Yuck! Why not just drink that artificially flavored syrup - the stuff they soak the beans in - by itself. Maybe in between sips of the real thing. I stopped going to a particular coffee shop because, one too many times, they ground the beans I'd selected for my first cup-o-the-day in the grinder that was used for the flavored coffee. Nothing like the dissappointment of driving down the road at 5:30AM, anticipating that first sip of Sumatra, or aged Indonesian, when ... yuck! ... Freakin' hazelnut again.
We have to make "Farmer coffee" at work - so the farmers don't bitch toooooo much when they come in. It consists of filling a coffee filter just about half way FULL with folgers something or other that I buy in bulk. It comes out nice and inky black and they drink it like water. For the longest time I was just adding crazy amounts of sugar and milk to make it drinkable and then I decided to run my own pot of french vannila before they come in.
WHOA!! You'd think we put arsenic in it when they ran the pot of regular coffee. They bitched for about two weeks until I finally just gave up.
Your hubby put that cat in your car? AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW he sure loves you, that's so sweet!
BTW I now platonically love you for melting the spatula and not knowing. That is beautiful.
Ick -- I cannot stand flavored coffee. So when you roast your own beans, how do you do it? And where do you get the beans? I'm intrigued.
I sooo understand the crushing disappointment of flavored coffee ground in store coffee grinders. It should always be labeled, NO FLAVORED COFFEE GROUND IN THIS MACHINE. It just ruins it for true coffee lovers. I always smell the grinder first. Your dad roasts his own beans?! wow. I'm too darn lazy to even grind the beans at my house. Do you ever put choc chip ice cream in your coffee? yum.
I sooo understand the crushing disappointment of flavored coffee ground in store coffee grinders. It should always be labeled, NO FLAVORED COFFEE GROUND IN THIS MACHINE. It just ruins it for true coffee lovers. I always smell the grinder first. Your dad roasts his own beans?! wow. I'm too darn lazy to even grind the beans at my house. Do you ever put choc chip ice cream in your coffee? yum.
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