If "may your life be interesting" is a curse, should I go around saying, "may your life be boring"...? As opposed to "have a good one", that is. Yesterday there was NO electricity from the time I got home until sometime in the night after I went to bed. I kept thinking, maybe I can find out why online-doh! and, well, if I can't blog, I can play my game- doh! I reached for the internet more times than I reached for a lightswitch... now what exactly does that say about me? That I'm an internet addict who sits in the dark?!? I played with kitties. I read. I napped. I was majorly disgruntled. I drank some beer (wouldn't want it to get warm, and arrrg I thought my days of buying ice were over!!). There was a 150 acre fire way further up in the mountains- I never even smelled smoke so I guess being bored and 'gruntled is better than evacuated or homeless! I ended up the evening in candle light on my porch reading Little House on the Prairie. I felt I could identify with the Ingalls clan. HAHA not! I'm way more spoiled and not racist. I mean, it's a very historical children's book, and white peeps back then were pretty darn racist. They are still fascinating books, and I do love 'em. Just gotta recognize that people have come a long way, in more than just electricity.
Then, today, another adventure. Darling Clarence had an abccess! Oh joy! It ruptured and there was the grossest hole in his leg I ever saw. I almost tossed m' cookies. So he got surgeried and stapled and a lovely hat!
Anyway, Clarence is gonna be just fine, I have power, hallelujah, and it's the weekend!!!!! I get saturday off since monday is a holiday and it's my regular day off. WOOOOT! Although I'm a bit worried that when Clarence's drugs wear off and he finds out he has to wear the bonnet for 2 weeks, AND stay inside, AND have medicine squirted down his throat- well, I may need more beer. Or some of Clarence's painkillers. HAHA EEEW. I don't remember animals getting painkillers before, so I think that's pretty cool. Anyhoo, much gaming to catch up on, gotta find a less rump riding piece of plate mail. May you all have a boring weekend. :P
P.S. Oh yeah I tried to WRITE a post yesterday, like, on PAPER (?!?!) with my big fat hand shadow an' all, and the magic was so not there. When I have my cabin in the woods far far away, there will be solar and wind power dangit!! And a phone line, omg...
2222222222222222 f n egg hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you ARE the next Dave Barry!!!!!!!!!!!!
poor clarence thou......
it really is too weird to go with out power or h2om but good!!!!!!!! cuz the appreiciation thingy hits the over load mark when one does with out...
say hi to smitts for me next time you comune with him....
love you baby doll, mum
I do the same thing when the power is out -- makes me feel bad about how much time I spend in front of the computer.
Kitties are so expensive ... hope Clarence is feeling better soon!
Oh I certainly know the feeling of no electricity doom. Living rurally means that the lines are so shoddy and we seem to have a power outage at least once a month. It's only then that you realise how much you really love power and how long a day really is. Hope Clarence will be back on his paws soon enough. Cats and curiosity, dangerous combination!
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