April '08

July '08
For breakfast this morning we had our first zucchini from the garden, fried up with onions from the garden, and eggs and cheese, mmm mmm all bundled into fried tortillas. ( Gotta get me some chickens so we can have eggs from home 2.) As we were eating Mom said, "AHEM, you should BLOG about our first zucchini". So this one's for you, Mom. Yeah, it's been awhile- I went to get some garden photo's and when I hooked my camera up to my computer there were 371 pics to load!! As I sorted through them I thought of all the stories I haven't been sharing, but boy have I been busy! The art faire especially was time consuming, mostly all the work leading up to it. I spent 10 hours one day matting photos, and it was more exhausting then a two hour hike! But I digress- this here post is about our fantastic super garden!

It's a gray day, sprinkles here and there and a perfect 70 degrees. We have a bunch of spinach and peas we'll be picking later, for dinner- fresh as can be! I think the best thing about our garden isn't even the fact that it's actually producing- well, maybe it's a tie. I just love how eclectic it is. There's nasturtiums in the tomatoes and onions, morning glories in the peas, and four o' clocks and cosmos in with the carrots, beets, and brussel sprouts (eeeeeeeeeeew, Mom's on her own with eating those).

Even the potatoes are flowering!!! They have gotten easily 3 feet high and we're starting to bury them so they will put out more roots (and taters). The corn is also hitting 3 feet, with huge deep green leaves. There's even a tiny jalapeno pepper ready to go!! Oh my goodness, and the cilantro!!! Tastes so fabulous, and the basil is getting going too. Amazing how delicious homegrown fresh picked food is. We're hoping to can some salsa when we get more tomatoes. Oh, that's Sebastian's grave in that ring by the brussels- don't worry, we only planted flowers on her.

All in all I'm durn proud of the garden, and you know what's even cooler? Yeah, there's some weeds- but the bugs seem to like those best! So we leave a few around as decoys and the rest we lay down as mulch. Can't wait to see it all in another month- I hope the fridge n' cupboards will be a gettin' stocked!
And no... my language does NOT indicate a slow slide into hick-dom, and neither does my sunburned red neck or the fact that I used a piece of wild grass for a tooth pick yesterday, ya hear? Just makin' sure y'all are clear as a jar o' moonshine on that.
1 comment:
Do we need to get you a banjo for x-mas?
-The Tree
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