I don't know about the plate mail thong, though. I mean, not just a thong, but metal?? And there is no way that "armor" is going to protect my thighs. Ah, well, it's fantasy land. Just past the snow line were these cool mushrooms, and some red grass. (Gad, steel wedgies!)

Everything was peacef- OMG!!! Zombies!! There are scary zombies in my dreamy escape world! AAGGGHH! Noooooo! My one weakness. I tried to watch this "reality" show called Ghost Hunters the other day. Even though it was super duper cheese factor 5000, it still... scared the crap out of me. They recorded some EVP's (electronic voice phenomena, a term I think they made up just for this show) and that was it for me. No more watching that. I made CommonLaw hold me to sleep even though he wasn't going to bed yet.

I can just see it, me in the future, with kids: "Mom! There's a monster under my bed!" Me: " OMG! Run!!!!!" After rescuing kids I will board their door shut and they will sleep with me until they're 18. But wait. I'm a Paladin, a holy warrior with special zombie fighting skills! So I took out them there skellies. And even better, check this out.

I have a friend who is undead. His name's Kal, and he lives in Colorado. Uh, in the real world. And he's not really an animated corpse. Maybe when I have kids, I can teach them to face their fears. Or to not judge a book by its cover. Or, maybe just that it's okay to have a night light, and Mom's a little, uh... special. At least they'll have a parent who plays video games with them!
reckon we gotta make you a magic anti zombie potion! i think we did something like that for one of you kids..... for the monsters under the bed......
cool outfit!
ttfn, mom
Yeah, I just have to pretend I'm not scared when the kids get scared. Then I go hide under my bed.
Crap my man is gonna have to be the brave one because I. am. a. weenie.
Sometimes I think he's a little too brave, but I guess it's ok, I even it out by being. a. weenie.
Sexy undies, but damn if you started to sweat, eek some bad things could happen.
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