Pheonix and Clarence shout for joy at the return of the young maiden! Okay not really, they were yawning. That's more realistic of their veiw about the whole "kitten under the house meowing" thing. We didn't get her until after 10pm, and by we I mean CommonLaw. He climbed under there and grabbed her with reflexes recalling the days when free range really was. He said he had to fight back an urge to roar in triumph (it WAS pretty amazing, I still can't believe he got her) lest he scare the darling more so.

The clawing and being peed upon was reserved for me, when he passed her over so he could climg out. Poor little angel. She and her sister had quite the rousing reunion, though. All.. dang... night.

Today after a long day at work, I thought it would be fun to do a little manual labor on my landlords property, since I don't have my own land to invest time, sweat, blood, and tears into.
Sometimes a hike just isn't the workout I'm lookin' for. So I'm putting in a small retaining wall, which will actually give me morer gardening space, so I guess it's selfish after all. :P I'm so not bitter! I swear! There's still hope! ...I should really ban myself from posting on weekdays.

Anyhoo, I'll share some "before and after" pictures, umm... when I get to the after part. An hour and a half swinging a mattock will certainly remind a person how long it's been. I can't believe I used to do that 8 hours a day. For $4.00 an hour!!!! Ten years makes a difference in minimum wage, round here anyway. I think it's at least up to $7.50. Totally enough for a person to live on! Yeah! I think ALL politicians should have to live on minimum wage for one year, no gifts, gratuities, or previous holdings allowed. Vote Hermitgrrl for president! I also will ban ALL income tax on people making less than $50,000 a year! Tax hikes not cuts for corporations! More campaign promises to come! :D
P.S. ...the wine... it's scaring me...
P.P.S. Yes, that is a spittoon by Pheonix, UNUSED! Yeeek.
Careful the wine doesn't turn into the monster that ate BC.
I remember your trail building days. Came across a photo of you in your park ranger gear. Hackin' out the wilderness - or just making the trails safe for those more sidewalk inclined.
Happy Wednesday,
oh my gott! i love the cat pics! sorry your ferrals were unhappy any critter that is sad, including human critters, put me in mom to the rescue mode.....
been crazy busy here bouts.....
hugs n love, mom
I'm so glad the kitten rescue was a success. And yes, I will vote for hermitgrrl for president.
ooo happy cats, just what I needed.
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